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Back to School - First Day Tips

The Amy Jones Group
Jul 17 4 minutes read

It's that time of year again! Back to school is right around the corner. Seems hard to believe since it's still so hot out here in the desert, but it's true! Here are some tips to prepare parents and kiddos to be prepared for the first day and continue to stay cool in this heat!

1. First Day Jitters

When you think about summer being over and sending the kiddos back to school, it can be nerve racking for everyone. It can also be a really exciting time. Parents, you can get the kiddos excited about a new classroom, learning new skills, meeting new friends and meet the teacher night! 

Ease those first day jitters by attending meet the teacher night, getting that school supply list, shopping together and talking about what everyone's new routine will look like those first few days and first few weeks of school starting. Before you know it, the whole family will be back into a routine of learning and fun!

2. School Supplies

A new school year and a new classroom means new supplies! Many local stores have deals and sales on school supplies before school starts. Make it a family outing and all head together to make sure the kiddos are prepared to start on their first day!

This year, The Amy Jones Group is hosting a Client Appreciation Event and asking attendees to bring donations of school supplies to donate to a local public school. Even if you are not attending the event, you can drop by our office and donate as well!

Contact us or come by the office for more information:

3. Get Involved

Looking to volunteer at your child's school or in their classroom? This can be a great way to connect with what your child is doing each day and how their school has an impact on what they are learning through the year. Every school and school district in the valley is always encouraging parents to volunteer. Reach out to the school administration or check out the programs available online before the first day to see how you can get involved!

4. Homework

Do you have an area at home that your kids can come home to and have a quiet space to complete their homework or have study time? It's important that they have a distraction free zone where they can concentrate on their work and absorb what they have learned for the day and apply it to what they took home with them. Make it a fun area where the parents can come in and help if needed!

Thinking about making a move to include more study space for the family in your home? Start your Buyer search here:

5. Staying Cool & Hydrated

Since we're in Arizona, it is still going to be very hot outside when the kids start to go back! This means that we have to make sure they are taking plenty of water to school with them, have a supply available at school and also make sure they are dressing appropriately for the weather. Even though most schools do not offer a splash pad during recess (Even though that would be awesome), we can still communicate with the teachers and administration about what recess will look like while we're having triple digits. Find out if playtime will be kept in doors until it starts to cool off and how often water bottles are refilled. Communication is always the best way to make sure everyone is kept safe!

How much water should you and your family be drinking each day?

Find out here:

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