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Weekend Warriors: Easter Edition

🐣 Easter Egg Hunts 🔍

Family Easter Celebration at Snedigar Sportsplex
Schnepf Farms' 22nd Annual Easter Egg-Citement
Spring into QC at Desert Mountain Park
Cottonwood Palo Verde Easter Egg Hunt & Golf Cart Parade 

🐰 Brunches 🍳

Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet at San Tan Brewing
Easter Brunch Buffet at the San Marcos
Top of the Rock Easter Brunch
Chef-Prepared Easter Brunch at AJ's Fine Foods

Let us know if go by tagging us with @AmyJonesGroup on Instagram and Facebook so we can come along!

Featured Homes

Our listing pictures are worth a thousand words, but we'd love to see you at one of our open houses this weekend. Come meet one of our amazing team members in-person!

JUST LISTED! The Emerald on Gemini

Don't miss out on this Vasaro Citrus Preserve home in Chandler...

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JUST LISTED! Spacious in San Tan Valley

Check out this gorgeous Johnson Ranch home in Queen Creek...

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Kaibab on the Korner

Don't miss out on this beautiful Fulton Ranch home...

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But wait, there's more...

See more homes that we have listed on the MLS and contact us to see the ones that aren't even on the market yet!

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 See something you LOVE or simply haven't found the ONE?

Contact our team of experts to schedule a private showing or for a complete list of open houses in the area. We'd love to chat with you about your move and heck, your weekend plans, too!

Get out there, you Weekend Warrior!  

Your dream home is waiting

Don't let it pass you by