October 19 - 20
Welcome Back, Weekend Warriors!
This is the Amy Jones Group's weekly newsletter, detailing local events, recent real estate news, and open houses.
This week, we're bringing you FIVE fun-filled events happening around the Valley!
Free Movie in the Park - Gilbert
Friday, October 18 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Movie in the park is returning Friday, October 18! We will be showing Aladdin at 6:30pm in the basin directly outside of the Gilbert Community Center.
Come early to enjoy our vendors! Outside food is welcome! Parking available in our lot, the Boys and Girls Club and in the lot on the NW corner Gilbert and Elliot Roads.

The Big Home & Garden Show - Scottsdale
Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October 20
This is happening! Meet Emmy Award-winning TV host Martha Stewart at the Home & Garden Show and shop more than 900 vendor booths.
Also enjoy crafting workshops, DIY presentations, gardening classes & so much more, all under one roof for one weekend only!
All free with admission.

Yoga in the Park - Chandler
Saturday, October 19 at 10:00 AM
Join us for a FREE Yoga in the Park class taught by FLO Yoga & Cycle at the Downtown Chandler Farmers Market!
Whether you’re brand new to yoga, or an experienced practitioner, this 45-minute class is a great way to start the day. Namaste, Yogis!

Chandler Mayor's Day of Play - Chandler
Saturday, October 19 from 8:00 - 12:00 PM
It's a day to play your way! Chandler Mayor's Day of Play returns Saturday, Oct. 19, turning Tumbleweed Park into a playground for all. From 8 a.m. to noon, children of all ages can revel in free family-fun as they play life-size board games, sporty inflatables, and musical entertainment.
Whether, you splash and dash with us through Foam Fusion, an obstacle course that will cover you from head to toe in frothy fun suds or wander through Recreation Village, you’ll discover new ways to come out and play.
Park-goers can enjoy everything from exhilarating fitness demonstrations to health-minded games to information booths throughout the morning. Families can also buckle up with the Chandler Fire Department's car and booster seat checks. Child Seat Safety Experts will be on-hand to answer all your seat belt questions.

Free Fall Community Festival- Mesa
Saturday, October 19 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM.
Celebrate Mesa is a Free family event that brings the community together to enjoy games, carnival rides, entertainment and more! Some of the fun family activities will include:
-Wear Your Costume!
-Showing Movie Secret Life of Pets 2 at 7:30 p.m. - Field 3
-Entertainment, Contests and Giveaways
-Haunted Bus
-Community Information Vendors
-Food Trucks
-Carnival Rides ($5 wristband for unlimited rides. Age and height
restrictions may apply)

📰 Read All About It!
We Won Team of the Year!
The Amy Jones Real Estate Group took home the Real Estate Team of the Year!
We are so grateful for the team of women we’ve assembled in the East Valley as well as everyone that voted for us and has supported us this year! Thank you!

🏡 Know Your Home Value
Know how much your home is worth with Homebot (it's free!)
Homebot is a monthly financial dashboard that enables you to maximize the wealth from the ...
😲 In Case You Missed It!
Best Pumpkin Patches in Arizona
It's that time of year again! Below are the five best places to choose from for all of your corn maze and hayride needs! Pick out your pumpkins at one of these places or hit up more than one with your favorite people. Don't forget to take lots of pictures and send them our way so that we can share them on social media and our website!
What's Up Southeast Valley - October 2019
Welcome back to our What's Up Southeast Valley for October! Here are our latest updates - Check out what the Real Estate Market is doing, our upcoming events and what The Amy Jones Group has been up to for the last month!
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Business Mixer
Every Quarter, The Amy Jones Group puts together a successful Business Mixer for local businesses and companies looking to partner with us for our Vendor Program! We LOVE connecting with our community and sharing each others stories. Below are some tips to planning a successful business mixer for your own company and how to connect with us and attend one of ours.
5 Reasons to Sell This Fall
Every season comes with different reasons to make a move and we are here to help you find when the best time is for YOU! As fall approaches (or at least when it feels like it here in AZ), we will review the five reasons to sell!
How Long You Should Live In Your Home Before You Sell It
If you're under ten years and itching to sell, many experts say you should follow the “five-year rule” and stay in the same home for at least five years before selling - but does that apply in the Arizona market?
Thinking about buying or selling a home?
Start your home buying journey today.
See our 8-step home buying process
Find out what your home is worth.
Now is the perfect time to see how much your home has appreciated